Irregular verbs revisted

In an effort to create some justified ‘regular’ irregularity, I’ve been working on Shonkasika’s older, non-productive way of forming the future tense. Shonkasika used to form a ‘hypothetic/potential’ verb form by ablaut of the final vowel in the verb stem before the personal endings. Over time, this form was reinterpreted as a future form.

An example:
tut I give
tet If I give/I may give > I will give

This new future of banu to be, bo-, became the indicative future suffix for most verbs. I have decided that a group of basic, common, and modal verbs will maintain this old future form by ablaut, which contrasts with the new productive future forms. Additionally, the prospective aspect is formed from the basic stem of the future indicative, so for suffixing verbs, it’s the same stem as the non-future. For the ablaut future verbs, it’s different:

ruvat, ruvabot, ruvavit I love, I will love, I am going/about to love
tut, tet, tevit I give, I will give, I am going/about to give

​I have updated and reorganized the irregular verbs page. Check it out!

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