Rayanese Determiners and Animacy

I am considering having some of Rayanese determiners differentiate for animacy, as the 3rd person pronouns already do:

  singular plural
3p animate ko* jo
3p inanimate so ho

I have already decided to change the 3p animate singular pronoun from lo to ko.  I think it would be neat to have these pronouns double as the definite article, hence they would indicate animacy as well as gender, number and case.  In general, Rayanese nouns are ‘animate’ if they refer to a sentient being or an animal, or a fantastic/supernatural being.

The current basic list of other determiners are listed below:

indefinite article ziki
proximate “this” co
medial “that” do
distal “yon(der)” duyo
“other” moto
partitive article yo

I have added a partitive article, yo.  Now, how to make these determiners, as well as the relative and interrogative pronouns po and tho reflect animacy?  How about a suffix, –ino?

  inanimate animate
indefinite article ziki zikino/kino**
definite article*** so, ho ko, jo
partitive article yo yino
proximate det. “this” co cino
medial det. “that” do dino
distal det. “yon(der)” duyo duyino
“other” moto motino
relative pronoun po pino
interrogative pronoun tho thino

**kino being a short form for zikino.

***For the definite articles, the first article listed is singular, the second is plural.  All other forms decline normally for gender, number and case.

A couple of quick examples:

su ashabuthe carku deru – the man

cu ashabu – this carcinu deru – this man

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